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Equilibrium Acupuncture and Herbs Wellness Centre

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Holistic Approaches to Treating Dizziness in Traditional Chinese Medicine

photo depicting dizziness

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), treating dizziness goes beyond merely addressing the symptom itself. Unlike Western medicine, which might prescribe specific medications based on a diagnosed condition, TCM always takes a holistic approach, viewing the body as an interconnected system. This holistic perspective is one of the core strengths of TCM, enabling fundamental treatment rather than just symptomatic relief.

What is Dizziness in TCM?

Dizziness is a comprehensive term encompassing a variety of sensations that those who haven’t experienced them might find hard to understand. These sensations can include not only feeling dizzy but also experiencing light-headedness, a sense of wearing a hat that tightens around the head, a foggy mind, a sensation of walking on clouds, or even feeling like lying on a rocking boat.

Identifying the Cause: The Role of Water Qi 

In TCM, determining whether dizziness is related to an imbalance in Water Qi (water metabolism) is crucial. This concept can be somewhat compared to disruptions in bodily fluid metabolism. For instance, in cases like Ménière’s syndrome, Western medicine often attributes the condition to an increase in inner ear lymphatic fluid, sometimes treating it with diuretics to reduce this fluid. Similarly, TCM views many cases of dizziness as resulting from abnormal changes in body fluids.

Symptoms and Treatment of Water Qi Imbalance

When dizziness stems from Water Qi issues, several accompanying symptoms may appear. These can include abnormal urination (frequent, infrequent, dribbling, or a sensation of incomplete emptying), palpitations, skin tremors, swelling, thirst, nausea, and a sensation of a foreign body in the throat. If such symptoms accompany dizziness, it is highly likely that TCM can provide effective treatment through herbal medicine.

In cases where dizziness is due to Water Qi imbalance, herbal formulas often include ingredients such as Fu ling (Poria cocos), Ze Xie (Alisma orientale), Bai Zhu (Atractylodes macrocephala), and Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra chinensis). However, not all dizziness stems from Water Qi problems. Other cases may involve issues like constipation or chest congestion, causing a different type of dizziness. Specifically, conditions such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) or Ménière’s syndrome can frequently recur, necessitating intensive treatment followed by ongoing management.

What to Expect from TCM Treatment

When you visit a TCM practitioner for dizziness, expect a thorough assessment of your entire health profile. The practitioner will consider all your symptoms, lifestyle, and any underlying conditions to develop a tailored treatment plan. This comprehensive approach aims to address the root cause of your dizziness, promoting overall balance and well-being.

TCM treatment may include a combination of herbal medicine, acupuncture, and lifestyle adjustments. Regular follow-ups are essential to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan, ensuring long-term relief and prevention of recurrence.


If you’re struggling with dizziness, consider exploring TCM for a holistic approach to treatment. By addressing the root causes and restoring balance in the body, TCM offers a unique and effective solution for managing and alleviating dizziness. Consult a licensed TCM practitioner to discuss your symptoms and start a personalized treatment plan today.

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